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Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve Got Questions — We’ve Got Answers

When are assessments due and how should I pay?

Assessments are billed the first week of the month, and due by the 25th of each month. Late payments can incur a penalty fee. You are welcome to pay in advance if that better suits your situation. Payments are accepted via cash and checks mailed to our PO Box, through payroll deductions, or Venmo. Contact the Association Treasurer to enroll in the latter two.

What are the rules of the community?

A copy of the Bylaws, Declaration of Covenants, and other documents are available for download on the Resource tab.

Who should I contact about needed services?

You can submit an email on this site to message the Association's Grievance Committee. You can also contact the Association President or Secretary.

When are Association meetings?

Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month, 7PM, at BOCESA Room 105. Please contact an Association Member to confirm, as date, time, and location are liable to change to accommodate Board Member attendance.

Can I participate in meetings if I'm not on the Board?

Everyone is welcome to attend Association meetings. Attendance is strongly encouraged for the Annual Meeting, held in October, at which all members can vote on the presented, annual items. When attending a monthly meeting where homeowner vote is not being called for, we ask that comments be kept to a minimum, to speed up proceedings. If you want to make comments at a monthly meeting, you can make them during the Open Forum segment, which is toward the end of each meeting. If you wish to personally address the Board, or have the secretary address on your behalf, please schedule an appointment with the Secretary to ensure your item is on the agenda.

As a renter, am I responsible for paying the assessments?

The Association holds the owners of the unit responsible for paying the assessments. Contact the owner of the unit you rent if you have made other arrangements under your renting contract. Please note that the Association applies all standards of conduct to renters as well as owners, but owners will be prosecuted for the actions of their renters.

How can I participate on the Board?

Elections for Board of Directors members are held at the Annual Meeting in October. You can run for office and have your name on the ballot, which will be voted on by the attending membership. If you know of a board member that is prematurely retiring their position or there is an ongoing open position, you can step in until the next Annual meeting, where your position would be voted on. If you don't want to be on the Board, but would still like to participate, you can apply to be on one of the boards' committees. There, you can meet with other committee members to discuss committee related items, which will be presented to the board for vote. Please contact the Secretary for more information. As always, you can attend the monthly meeting to listen and stay updated on board activities, or read the minutes as they are posted.

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